Improving access to services through efficient and accountable referral pathways
The RIMS Team produces RIMS Snapshots every four months, which provide dashboards on key trends in referrals and a thematic analysis of referrals during that time period, and RIMS Analytical Reports every four months, which are an in-depth analysis of RIMS referral data triangulated by Focus Group Discussions with service providers on the ground, to identify key gaps in the effectiveness and accountability of referrals. These reports provide tangible recommendations which form the basis of advocacy to key stakeholders on improved coordination and referrals.
The RIMS snapshot summarizes key data of referrals conducted through the Referral Information Management Systems (RIMS) in Lebanon. This snapshot is designed to complement the RIMS’ analytical reports, which contain in-depth analysis of effectiveness and accountability in referral pathways. This series of snapshot is produced every 3 months and covers the last 3 months’ period.
The RIMS snapshot summarizes key data of referrals conducted through the Referral Information Management Systems (RIMS) in Lebanon. This snapshot is designed to complement the RIMS’ analytical reports, which contain in-depth analysis of effectiveness and accountability in referral pathways. This series of snapshot is produced every 3 months and covers the last 3 months’ period.
The RIMS Annual Report of 2022 is a cumulative summary of the key data of referrals conducted through the Referral Information Management Systems (RIMS) in Lebanon. This report is a compilation of RIMS quarterly analytical reports, which contain in-depth analysis of effectiveness and accountability in referral pathways.
The RIMS snapshot summarizes key data of referrals conducted through the Referral Information Management Systems (RIMS) in Lebanon. This snapshot is designed to complement the RIMS’ analytical reports, which contain in-depth analysis of effectiveness and accountability in referral pathways. This series of snapshot is produced every 3 months and covers the last 3 months’ period.
The RIMS snapshot summarizes key data of referrals conducted through the Referral Information Management Systems (RIMS) in Lebanon. This snapshot is designed to complement the RIMS’ analytical reports, which contain in-depth analysis of effectiveness and accountability in referral pathways. This series of snapshot is produced every 3 months and covers the last 3 months’ period.
The RIMS snapshot summarizes key data of referrals conducted through the Referral Information Management Systems (RIMS) in Lebanon. This snapshot is designed to complement the RIMS’ analytical reports, which contain in-depth analysis of effectiveness and accountability in referral pathways. This series of snapshot is produced every 3 months and covers the last 3 months’ period.
The RIMS snapshot summarizes key data of referrals conducted through the Referral Information Management Systems (RIMS) in Lebanon. This snapshot is designed to complement the RIMS’ analytical reports, which contain in-depth analysis of effectiveness and accountability in referral pathways. This series of snapshot is produced every 3 months and covers the last 3 months’ period (NB. This snapshot will cover exceptionally 4 months, starting December 2021 to End of March 2022).
This report explores the barriers women and girls in Lebanon face to access humanitarian services linked to their gender, from the perspective of both humanitarian service providers and communities in need of services. The report provides evidence-based recommendations to adapt and strengthen the engagement of humanitarian service providers with women and girls with the ultimate aim of ensuring that programs are gender-sensitive, and find innovative ways to reach women and girls and, when possible, circumvent the gendered barriers so that women and girls can benefit from humanitarian assistance.
The RIMS report explores barriers to access humanitarian services during the Fuel Crisis, that started the last May 2021, from the perspective of both humanitarian service providers and communities in need of services. The report provides recommendations to improve and maintain access to multi-sector services by strengthening efficient and accountable referral pathways, and community engagement.
The report explores barriers to access humanitarian services during the successive COVID-19 lockdowns, notably the last January-February 2021 lockdown, from the perspective of both humanitarian service providers and communities in need of services.