Improving access to services through efficient and accountable referral pathways
The RIMS Team produces RIMS Snapshots every four months, which provide dashboards on key trends in referrals and a thematic analysis of referrals during that time period, and RIMS Analytical Reports every four months, which are an in-depth analysis of RIMS referral data triangulated by Focus Group Discussions with service providers on the ground, to identify key gaps in the effectiveness and accountability of referrals. These reports provide tangible recommendations which form the basis of advocacy to key stakeholders on improved coordination and referrals.
The RIMS September Snapshot provides key referral dashboards for May-August 2020, followed by a thematic focus on referral trends and effectiveness pre- and post-Beirut Blast in Beirut until mid-September 2020.
The RIMS analytical report for the period of March-June 2020 includes a brief presentation of preliminary findings of referrals linked to the Beirut Blast, which will be investigated in depth in the upcoming RIMS reports. The report explores key trends and themes in referral management and effectiveness for this specific time period, based on an analysis of data from the Referral Information Management System, RIMS, and provides recommendations to leverage referrals as an analytical tool to improve humanitarian programming, effectiveness and accountability.
The RIMS May 2020 Snapshot for the period of January-April 2020 focuses on access to services, coordination and referrals during COVID-19.
The RIMS analytical report for the period of November 2019-February 2020 includes a brief focus on the estimated impact of COVID-19 on referrals, coordination and access to services as of early March 2020.
The RIMS Snapshot for September-December 2019 highlights key trends in referral management and effectiveness for this specific time period, based on an analysis of data from the Referral Information Management System, RIMS, and provides a brief thematic analysis of referrals.
The RIMS analytical report for the period July-October 2019 explores key trends and themes in referral management and effectiveness for this specific time period, based on an analysis of data from the Referral Information Management System, RIMS, and provides recommendations to support referral effectiveness and accountability.
The RIMS Snapshot for May-August 2019 highlights key trends in referral management and effectiveness for this specific time period, based on an analysis of data from the Referral Information Management System, RIMS, and provides a brief thematic analysis of referrals.
The RIMS analytical report for the period March-June 2019explores key trends and themes in referral management and effectiveness for this specific time period, based on an analysis of data from the Referral Information Management System, RIMS, and provides recommendations to support referral effectiveness and accountability.